The options available for tablet security
There are a number of options if you want to protect tablets left in public from theft. Businesses can select the right one for them, ensuring that they can maximise protection whilst also allowing devices to be used by staff, guests, and members of the public too.
The first method is to choose security mounts and kiosks that will keep the devices securely in place. This is a reliable option and means that the tech can be left in a number of locations.
A second option is to go for an alarm system that will trigger if a device is removed. At Armourdog you can choose a single system that several tablets can be plugged into. This means a sounder will go off if anybody attempts to remove any of them.
A third product you could choose is high security steel cables. One can be plugged into a tablet and secured in place to a stand or piece of furniture so the tech cannot be moved beyond the maximum length of the cable.
If you really want to boost protection you could employ a combination of the products above. They are available to protect tablets made by a wide range of different manufacturers including Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo, and others.
Armourdog provide a wide range of products to help clients keep their devices safe, including alarmed tablet security mounts. We understand the fantastic benefits tablets can offer in terms of engagement and boosting brand value. We feel that businesses should not have to run the risk of the tech being damaged or stolen while they seek to take advantage of them. That is why we offer the very best security products.
If you would like our help with selecting the perfect items please get in touch. We have worked closely with numerous clients over the years to address their needs and concerns. Ultimately we provide our professional recommendations and supply high quality products.